Saturday, October 15, 2011

Insanity would be putting it lightly

I'm 27 years-old and most of my friends are my age or younger. While I sit at home this Saturday digging through 10-Q's and 8-K's looking for the next undervalued asset, many of my contemporaries are "occupying" Wall Street . They are protesting against what they believe is a corrupt banking system that has led us into near financial ruin and left the country with 9% unemployment, while the CEO's of these banks walked away millionaires. Anyone who can't understand the frustration of these people is just being an asshole. But while I understand, I can't support OWS. The message is unclear, the goals are not definable and the tactics being used cannot be effective in the long run. Yes, they've brought media attention to their cause, but the second unemployment starts to drift back down towards the 7% range (which I think happens by next X-mas), the masses and lame-stream media will lose interest in their "occupation." The "people" will be sipping the Kool-aid once again, playing sheep in a broken system just waiting to be sent back into depression, after depression, until we're a third-world country abandoned by the rich and powerful that got us into the mess to begin with. Great. I'm glad you want to do something. Much of the system should be overhauled and certain regulations put in place, no question. But class warfare is just populous thinking. Taxing success is the wrong message to send to any population. Their is a proper balance that needs to be struck and the OWSer's want to take it to far. But, once again, can you blame them? Had these greedy fuck-tards not abused the shit out of the corrupt system put in place over 30+ years ago this wouldn't be happening. The government is the one to blame. Democrats and Republicans. The banks are just scapegoats and tools that have been used by our Federal Reserve. OWSer's are misdirecting their anger. If they really want to change the system, they should focus thier attention on Washington, not Wall Street.

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